Depends on who’s saying it and to what, and in what manner (message reaction, its own separate text).
“Hey who wants pizza tonight?” in the group text.
Bunch of👍reactions mixed in with some 🍕 and 🕺
That’s normal and people agreeing with you.
“Hey could you pick up some toilet paper on the way home?”
👍 reaction.
That’s a neutral kind of acknowledgement.
“Hey man, that was pretty fucked what you said back at the party. I think the others want to talk to you about it.”
That’s rude and dismissive, and not just an acknowledgement text.
It’s a little bit of a generational/cultural gap, I think! Like how
are fully normal to boomers, but anyone millennial and younger are going to read that as being short, or as an ominous trailing off compared to the neutral, no-caps-no-punctuationkk
.I think children up through the younger end of millennials are just more likely to give neutral-to-lightly-positive acknowledgement in other ways, like 🫡or ✅ or 🥰 or 💯. 👍 is reserved by some for lower enthusiasm or even a restrained, mild annoyance.