Het guy here: It is, indeed, “time”.
Het guy here: It is, indeed, “time”.
[Pedantry Incoming!]
“Bearing” is a direction from one specified position (i.e. the airplane) to a specified object. You would tell a pilot that there is an airport bearing 180, or traffic bearing 090. “Bearing” just tells the pilot which way something is.
“Heading” is the direction the nose of the aircraft is pointed. If you want a pilot to fly due south, you will tell them to fly a heading of 180.
(Heading is not necessarily the actual direction of flight: it does not take crosswinds into account. “Course” is the word used to describe the direction the plane is actually going.)
[Pedantry Complete!]
It’s a “Greatest Generation” concept. Those depression-era folks unionized to be able to live a better life, then never bothered to actually retire and live that life. They worked themselves into the grave.
Boomers don’t work themselves into the grave. Boomers “Retire in place”.
You’ve never heard of Splinter? Those little pieces of wood that get stuck in your skin? Need to use tweezers, maybe a needle to get them out?
Much more useful than Pinterest.
Have you tried Splinter?
Ham Radio has APRS, which could be considered a “text based social platform”.
Theoretically, they could. I mean, they hold the power of appellate review. They can acquit anyone for any reason. There is nothing in the constitution preventing them from announcing that they will acquit someone taking a specific action.
But shenanigans beget shenanigans, and I’m sure Congress and future presidents would have something to say about it. Impeachment and court packing are both feasible.
Here’s the thing…