BS. Dozens of countries have them and the US has used them in the past on protests already.
BS. Dozens of countries have them and the US has used them in the past on protests already.
There is no level of productivity boost that can make up for months of actual absence lol
You are absent for half a year. After that you are 20% more productive. After three years the employer will have made a profit on that time investment.
Or you go back to work straight away, you are constantly tired, you are constantly stressed. You make mistakes causing delays and damages in the hundreds of thousands, that you would not make otherwise…
Aside from the obvious fact that you should ne there for your partner and child, paternity leave is both economically sound for your employer and the economy as a whole.
It will mean a healthier child with better relationships to his parents. This will improve his/her performance in school, reduce the likelyhood of problematic behaviour requiring interventions and later the likelyhood of criminal activity.
So your child will likely be a more productive and reliable grown up eventually and you will have less stress as parents, which also improves your productivity.
Im a freelancer for projeft management stuff and currently work around 30-40h a week, depending on that weeks workload. Usually more on the 30h end.
I hit it off very well with that. On the other hand i feel my productivity is the same like when i worked 40h as an employee doing the same things. Now instead of being knocked out from my lunch and struggling to work for the hour after, i just go back to work, when i feel awake again.