Canada and the US have been close allies for 200 years. The last time they fought was 1812 Edit: I was wrong, we have only been close allies for 130 years
Canada and the US have been close allies for 200 years. The last time they fought was 1812 Edit: I was wrong, we have only been close allies for 130 years
The “work yourself to death” is a stupid boomer concept. It’s a hugely negative aspect of traditional masculinity.
At least for boomers, loyalty was often rewarded with promotions, bonuses, and generous pensions. But these days companies will work you to death and then fire you for a 0.0001% boost to their quarterly profits. They’ll fire 10,000 people just so the billionaire shareholders can earn 1% more.
For me, I hate how socially isolating unemployment is. After being laid off I noticed that friends and family slowly started treating me differently. Most Americans seem to look down on people who are struggling. Which makes sense, if capitalism rewards merit then people who are struggling must be losers who deserve it… Elon Musk has no idea how much suffering and pain he has caused countless people.