I want to play AC so badly. Every time I pick it up my brain is hit with nostalgia from when I played it as a kid on my N64 and GC but now as an adult I enjoy it more watching my kids play it and talk to me about their villagers.
I want to play AC so badly. Every time I pick it up my brain is hit with nostalgia from when I played it as a kid on my N64 and GC but now as an adult I enjoy it more watching my kids play it and talk to me about their villagers.
I guess it depends on what you mean by infrastructure.
Feds have their own IT group which usually means out sourced or heavily contracted to firms and consultants.
Feds manage, maintain some bridges and dams, Alaska highway, ports, seaways, and all their Crown real property. If it isn’t Crown owned it is leased. Unsure who the biggest landlord is I would assume Brookfield. Big real estate projects are contracted out, look at Parliament. Usually it’s BGIS, PCL, EllisDon or local contractors.
Now imagine if our federal government would do the same. Reduces our contractor expenses and gives our local economy a much needed push.
It’s the Trump administration – it doesn’t matter what it says.