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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2025

  • This is an hum… interesting read… While i agree that asking questions on the price tag and return on our investment is always a good idea, this is not it. Also a civilian probably won’t understand the different aspect of the price tag : upgrading our infrastructure and capability to services such boat, specialized design… The last few months-years are showing us that peaceful negotiating has its limits when our neighbours have the ability to abuse our sovereignty. Don’t make it easy on them. Ask Ukraine how it feels. Do you trust Trump or his successor not to extort the ressources he need in the Canadian North if he’s not just taking it altogether? I would love a world where we don’t spend any money on the military and use those resources on social development instead but in the real world the North is our and we need to have the best (military) logistics to move around our own sea.

  • As a Canadian it warms my heart to see the “future EU members” label but most days, when i am done with my morning coffee, i like things presented under a more realistic perspective.

    EU should aim for a strong core with countries of “special interest” having partial membership benefits and treatment. GB, Canada, Ukraine, Turkey, Hungary(yes i know!) should all have this special interest status with a measure of integration and a measure of autonomy. Eventually add Australia if it makes mutual sense. Currently Canada can’t lower it standards to US regulations “void” and we will benefit from increased mobility of goods and people : with EU : we should set most regulation close enough to EU rules to be welcomed there. Build further affinity from increased commercial and military integration. Keep our own monetary policy: devaluation of our currency is a needed buffer sometimes.

  • Defending the North is mostly about knowing what’s happening up there. Therefore, modern and improved radar and satellite imaging+communication relay are at the basis of a modern defence strategy. Realistically if Russia spend money flying planes above our Northern territory we don’t always need to “answer” within minutes because there is mostly nothing to defend there and a particularly harsh environment. 95 % of the defence of the Canadian North will be done by the weather itself. Of course we need to be able to get there eventually in a few days-week not necessary within minutes-hours. Our logistics to move in our own North need to be better than any adversaries this is the next step after information.

    Good job Carney! I was expecting a French submarine purchase but this will do. And, what do I know, maybe French or English hardware will be announced after our soon to be election or need a bit more negotiations?

  • Your tone tell me you don’t try to understand the true advantage-disadvantage of Carney’s position because you already decided to undermine him from the very start. Disagreeing is just the start, you need to show the concept of an alternative behaviour and a reason as to why you think it will yield better results.

    I, myself, agree with Carney so far and on this position. I don’t have pink glasses : it will sck being a Canadian citizen for many years. The thing is, it will suk just the same giving in to Trump, at least with our sovereignty intact we can grow over time after the initial turbulence subsides.