Yeah my comment is probably not that useful to you since I am in France where the medical misinformation issues are different from other countries. Here it’s illegal to advertise drugs that are only sold with a prescription, but pharmaceutical companies sell all kinds of make-believe bullshit drugs that are basically expensive placebos.
Here’s a couple of pics of some funny ones a friend saw in a pharmacy just the other week
(The right one says “doubts - indecision”…)
Also try looking up random medications names and see what comes up ? As a complete layman that is usually what I do when I (or a family member) am taking or about to take some new meds. Of course with a generalist scientific background, the best I can do is try to compare different sources and apply some critical thinking/common sense, but I assume a lot of people don’t do that (and be fair, I don’t always do it either). And/or trust the doctors who are sometimes incompetent self-important assholes (not generalizing at all, but I’ve heard and seen first hand my fair share of horror stories)
I’m still fuming over how childish that was. That oversized baby Vance was literally acting like some kid awkwardly trying to score some points in the eyes of his idol. While talking to probably one of the most humble wartime presidents ever
Some police forces have used sound cannons against protesters, for example during the 2009 G20 Pittsburgh summit,[7] the 2014 Ferguson unrest,[8] and the 2016 Dakota Access Pipeline protest in North Dakota,[9] among others.
Sound is moving air and carries energy. With the right frequency and intensity it could definitely physically fuck you up even if your ears are covered.
Studies have found that exposure to high intensity ultrasound at frequencies from 700 kHz to 3.6 MHz can cause lung and intestinal damage in mice
I was honestly surprised they casually acknowledged it like that
I see, that makes sense. Y’all might be talking me into switching to Revolut. Though I’ve gotta say that Visa’s insurance saved my ass this very weekend by handling everything to bring me and my gf home after a visit to the ER that left us stranded 800 km from home (even though we are both on the cheapest visa cards available in our country), so I’ll have to see if they have similar stuff
Just out of curiosity, what purchase taxes are you talking about ? Aside from the yearly fee and the occasional (quite steep though) tax when I withdraw money too many times from non-VISA ATMs I don’t think I have many extra fees with mine.
Also has even higher chances of giving you kidney stones than other sodas iirc
You’re telling me I brought this pitchfork all the way over here for nothing ?
Good to see we’re finally fighting back against Fandom
Hey, Trump press secretary, quick question, why are so many streets in the US named after this Lafayette guy ?