ok. Please stop trying to convince me to change to something I do not want to.
I stated my issue with Kodi. If there’s no solution to that issue then it’s a dealbreaker, like I said.
Imma gonna call him winnie the pooh all I want and you can’t stop me
ok. Please stop trying to convince me to change to something I do not want to.
I stated my issue with Kodi. If there’s no solution to that issue then it’s a dealbreaker, like I said.
aight, I never said that Kodi organises media, if it tried to, I would shoot it on sight.
I organise my media, ebcause it’s media I’ve decided I want to keep and organise accordingly. Kodi has very specific requirements and cracks the shits if you don’t give it exactly what it wants. If that fine for you, then that’s fine for you. That is not how I roll
how I do roll:
-> \fileserver
–> Sci fi series
—> Babylon 5
----> 1.01 - Midnight on the Firing Line
----> …
----> 2.01 - Points of Departure
etc etc etc.
I’ve played with a translation file so Kodi’s file scrapers can understand that X is Y and react accordingly, but it’s very “my way or the highway” and I don’t bow to a machine. When it refuses to even acknowledge the existence of a file (as in just display the file name, not necessary with any metadata) unless it can jam its thumb up there, I’m out.
I know you think you’re being smart and denigrating the aussie patois, but honestly, all I can think is “…yeah that’s about the level of english comprehension I’d expect from the American education system”
What kind of pissweak boot gobbling fucking comment was that. Your country’s founding mythology is literally Refusing To Put Up With Bullshit.
My big issue with kodi is that i like my media library to be human navigable and named and it does not. Dealbreaker
The point is to destabilise. And a grandiose idiot like trump is very useful indeed on that front.
My dear pool noodle do you pay any attention at all?
US looking to destabilise and destroy a democratically formed group / nation state for their own interests? Shocker.
What the actual hell
Oh good, you know what a symlink is.