Did she die?
Did she die?
I am sorry but I do not have an answer for you as I have never seen something like this before. My preferred dynamic is indeed a tall dommy mommy. However, for some reason, and the reason I am commenting, this post reminds me of that time (well, there have been multiple times) where I got an AI generated ad about penis enlargement on youtube. It felt so dystopian and unreal. I took a screen recording of it. Too bad I cant post it cause of my account ago (fucking four weeks before I can upload a pic. What the fuck). But the fake ad made a lot of references to getting a ‘tool, just like those African Men’… So hot.
This does make me feel better. My wife keeps saying I need to hold babies to get over it (I suppose similar to your experience, hold it and realize it ain’t that bad). We’ll see how it goes. I don’t plan on having kids until I finish grad school though so I do have some time to prepare myself to face my fear: baby droppin. Thank you kind stranger for the words of wisdom
I just rewatched Dexter and am moving on to new blood and subsequently original sin. I love me some true crime, I love me some fantasy, I love me some weird dexter. What I would change: Nothing really aside from more seasons. I am also intermittently watching Modern Family again. Its an easy show to watch with dinner. What I would change: more Cam, more Gloria both for different reasons
I dont want to hold babies. I have a fear that I will drop it and I am not sure what I would say to the parents. Im not sure what is going to happen when I have kids
GhatGPT will save us