We don’t do general anesthesia for most things dental related here in NL. But after hearing the sound bounce around in my head I wish we did.
We don’t do general anesthesia for most things dental related here in NL. But after hearing the sound bounce around in my head I wish we did.
Can still hear the sound of them breaking it to get it out
Sometimes monetizing your hobbies does make sense if they can pay for more hobby materials. I enjoy upgrading and building 3d printers more than waiting while its busy doing it’s thing.
Example: During Covid i made bank selling plastic brackets for routers for the company my dad worked for. Original ones were €75 and on a 6+ month backorder, so once I heard my dad talking about it I immediately started modeling and “gifted” them 5 the next day.
Sold 50 more for €25 a piece which paid for a new custom build and a lifetime supply of filament.
Didn’t really feel like I was monetizing my hobby because the only downside was not being able to print stuff for my self when it was literally printing money.