Basically similar to know except Trump would side with the axis powers.
Basically similar to know except Trump would side with the axis powers.
I’m German and our way of counting is genuinely stupid. 121 would translate to “onehundred one and twenty”. You’d think it’s just a matter of practice but errors related to mixing up digits are statistically more common in German speaking regions. Awesome when it comes to stuff like calculating medication dosages and such. Like it’s not a huge issue but it’s such an unneccessary layer of confusion.
Same thing here really. And I mean China still doesn’t give a rat’s ass about patent laws but they’re mostly stealing each other’s ideas these days. European funding of early stage technologies is a joke. We need to fix that if we want a competitive economy.
Couldn’t be me. I can take it or leave it no problem. Addiction is a mindset.
Not even Jorjor Well saw this coming
As a German Gen Z my main concern would be the fact that you can’t rely on the promise that our army is purely there for defence. I’m ready to defend my home and the home of my neighbors but I’m not willing to be sent to another continent to (allegedly) do so. Right now that may not be an issue but these things can change overnight.
They very much do. Nukes can be fine-tuned pretty well regarding blast radius, radiation intesity and duration of effect. Someone dropping a huge bomb on a city is how everyone pictures the start of a nuclear war but tactical missile strikes on military equipment and infrastructure would be much more likely. It’s extremely difficult to destroy fortified military structures with conventional weaponry.