I wonder from time to timecwhat method the Trumpists are going to adopt for killing their opponents.
Defenestration is self-evidently effective, but it’s already Putin’s schtick. And while it might appeal to Trump to essentially pay tribute to his idol, I think it’s more likely that he’d want his own brand.
The US being what it is, some sort of handgun “suicide” would be on-brand, and courts have already shown that they’re willing to let things like “suicide” by gunshot to the back of the head or “suicide” by multiple gunshot slide.
I almost expect them to use concentration camps and gas chambers, counting on the media to refuse to cover it at all for fear that somebody might make a Nazi comparison.
We’ll see…
Those are some of the bits of structural violence with which they intend to kill people broadly.
I’m wondering more about the specific techniques they’re going to use for targeted killings - like, for instance, what they’re going to do when Trump decides he wants Tim Walz killed.