You might just end up on the replacement Earth without the dolphins.
Founder and lead developer at Overclocked Abacus Games
You might just end up on the replacement Earth without the dolphins.
Jupiter seems to escape most of the world-shattering events.
Only if you’re in New York.
You’ll cease to exist when the Wind Fish gets woken up.
You wouldn’t download a jet.
Gimp 2.0 was released eight months before Half Life 2.
I hope they do - the 16 we’ve committed to buying anyway - and that as soon as they arrive our engineers immediately start taking them apart so that we can incorporate their technology into our own planes or planes produced by our actual allies. The ones we don’t take apart can be used in exercises to determine the best ways to shoot them down.
But personally I believe the US would descend into civil war before this happens, with “blue” states having suppressed voting rights trying to secede.
How? By waving little round signs? By holding sing-alongs? By getting outraged whenever anyone doesn’t like the latest Disney movie? What gives you the impression that anyone on the American left would be willing to expend the kind of effort and sacrifice necessary to mount a serious revolt?
Their brains dry up sometimes. Tilting their heads causes the fluid inside to slosh around and moisten it, which helps them think more clearly.