Serious answer : I am not living there, have no idea how to compare, nor whether the court system works as a safeguard.
Troll answer In democracy you have the right to healthcare and education, so it’s been a while it isn’t
Serious answer : I am not living there, have no idea how to compare, nor whether the court system works as a safeguard.
Troll answer In democracy you have the right to healthcare and education, so it’s been a while it isn’t
Sure maps and miniatures are fun but some systems don’t need them, some players are perfectly fine with the theatre of the mind play, or some small toys on a self drawn grid on sheet paper can work.
Some big streamers have done massive damage to she hobby by bringing the image that map and miniatures are necessary, and not at best a nice to have, at worst a distraction.
Sure I use sometimes a sketch on paper, but very rarely miniatures, and never accurate ones. Role-playing game isn’t about miniatures
For Rpg : let the player take the initiative and bring their plot to the table. If they preptge game for you, it’s les work as aGM (also no doodle scheduling, use fix dates)
For paragliding : if there is nobody on a flight site do not take off. Most likely you misunderstood something, and the site isn’t flyable. Sure if you re very experienced, do hike and fly or do fly on a week day on a small site, it may not apply, but you’re able to analyse by yourself
I worked in 3 different European countries, in both academia and industry,
While not being common, it’s not that rare to take a glass of wine or beer when doing a real-restaurant for lunch break at work. At least for people working in office.