As with all impromptu lists, this one is pretty flawed. For example, as much as I love it, lineageOS is not useful for “digital independence” in any meaningful sense, since it’s just a more cleaned up version of android. Or PeerTube, which can’t really be considered a realistic alternative to yt. It’s fine in itself, but it’s so small and so hard to scale that you might just be better off giving up the yt format altogether. And then there’s Thunderbird. I love it but it’s a CLIENT, you’ll still need a mail provider.
Funny, I went blind into RDR2 and, not knowing about John’s story, the epilogues felt so weird and out of place. I still can’t really get into his story, maybe because on a subconscious level it feels like it broke the closure I had from Arthur’s. But yeah, RDR2 really is a fantastic game. They nailed pretty much everything.