One thing on this list will kill you a lot faster than the other things.
That’s right, sliding down a hillside on a slip-and-slide covered with crisco is by far the surest way to harm yourself, especially if you haven’t done meth beforehand.
One thing on this list will kill you a lot faster than the other things.
That’s right, sliding down a hillside on a slip-and-slide covered with crisco is by far the surest way to harm yourself, especially if you haven’t done meth beforehand.
The sad, scary news here is that Miller represents an actual segment of the population.
Those nutcases who scream incel nonsense out of nowhere on a reddit post? Those facebook messages where a complete stranger starts cussing you out for being a woman, being dark-skinned? For posting a picture of yourself smiling? These are the people who are Stephen Miller. He’s an archetype right now, and yes this is revolting to think about, but we’ve nurtured or allowed the nurturing of communities of these broken, sad messes of humans. They are deeply wrecked by lifetimes of self-hate and shame and sexual insecurity and there are far, far more of them than any of us realize and yeah, we should be worried.
The fun part about fascist takeovers is when they take power, they stop trying to hide what they really are.
The thing that makes fascism self-destruct in every instance in history is that they never actually had a “playbook.” They had one trick, one narrative to get them to the top and they leave a wake of ruin behind them to get there, then they consume the host like botflies in the skin of the nation. This is why they’re going to try to stop elections and mettle with democracy broadly, because they know they will never be able to maintain a playbook narrative with this wild pack of ravenous orcs pillaging the countryside.
I don’t think any of this is even real to them. The same way that a majority of the white-nationalist 4-channers are just roleplaying and losing themselves in the storylines, as a species we tend to do that, we just get lost in a narrative because it explains how we feel.
The tankies are doing the same exact thing. They’re not impacting policy, they’re not marching for anything, they’re not taken seriously and it’s just another in-club that has its own language and imagery and secret handshakes and a unifying message to rally behind (America bad!) and instead of turning that criticism into actionable plans for changing representation and making anything better, they put on WW2 Russian Tanker helmets and have erotic fantasies about a communist uprising that will never happen.
This guy turks coffee.