Narrator: He did not, in fact, love the Liberals.
Narrator: He did not, in fact, love the Liberals.
They rely on the cooperation of passengers, who are called on to move in groups to different cars so that the train can generate enough momentum to make it uphill.
This sounds worse than how public transportation would’ve worked on the Flintstones. Shame indeed.
He’s not dumb. He’s cancer. He’s aggressive. And he intends on metastasizing to the entire world. Strongmen only respect strength. We need to show him how nasty we can be. Watch what he does with targets he perceives as weaker than us (if there are any). If he goes after Panama first, or Greenland, you can be certain that we are next.
This is not empty rhetoric folks. I’ve been saying it since before the election and I’m going to keep saying it, he’s actually coming for us. His first term was full of empty threats. This one hasn’t been. He has followed through, and he will follow through. He will continue to bully us and come at us sideways for awhile, take what he can by hook or by crook, but eventually he will get impatient and greedy. He is coming. Prepare to be another Ukraine, another Afghanistan. The latter is a tiny, technologically backwards nation that is called the “Graveyard of empires” for good reason. We can be that, and we will need to be that. I say this to reassure you that it is absolutely possible to defend our sovereignty against a much larger aggressor. This is anything but a lost cause, but we need to take it very seriously, because he is deadly serious.
If you want peace, prepare for war.
I’m not being facetious and I’m not joking, and I don’t think he is either.
That’s good to hear, but can their laid off employees and their customers weather it? That’s going to be the question. Because that’s probably how a lot of them are planning to deal with it. CEOs don’t give a shit about you and they’re not going to dip into their strategic assets or long-term investments or god forbid their compensation packages to pay a tariff or to pay anyone. They need that, you know? They don’t need you.