No, because I was advised against by a peorson who tried it.
Hello I’m a real person. I use Firefox btw.
No, because I was advised against by a peorson who tried it.
I have heard some people trued matrix, but apparently it’s still kinda bad (or was a few months ago). The problem with switching is also always that most people still use the bad corpo site and you want to chat with your non-techie friends usually.
In the article they also link to the Must have Stram deck titles in the spring sale
Ist nicht so als bräuchten Erziehende auch mal nen Drucker für Ausmalbilder oder Elternzettel oder müssten mit Erziehungsberechtigten kommunizieren in beide Richtungen oder profitieren von nem Digitalen Dienstplan oder oder.
Tatsächlich hatte ich im Kindergarten damals schon am PC etwas Lesen gelernt.