Even good people do harmful things sometimes, he doesn’t even say he’s good, he says he’s a perfect saint, jfc
I’m an anarchocommunist, all states are evil.
Your local herpetology guy.
Feel free to AMA about picking a pet/reptiles in general, I have a lot of recommendations for that!
Even good people do harmful things sometimes, he doesn’t even say he’s good, he says he’s a perfect saint, jfc
Scroll through their mastodon, it’s there somewhere, I’ll look later if you can’t find it
I don’t think this is true, they showed up to an event in person… people would’ve noticed.
Yeah, nobara and bazzite extremely similar, and snapshots are a decent workaround to not having immutability, but immutability is still a significant upgrade.
Although, i’m pretty sure what you’re seeing only rolls back the kernel, not all of your modifications, so, you may still be screwed if you mess up. Is this worth worrying about? Probably not. But I see no reason not to just go with bazzite and have slightly more peace of mind in that .01% of situations.
if you can make an rpm you can install it with rpm-ostree like any other fedora based distro. Immutability doesn’t prevent this.
It’ll stick, but you’re really meant to use flathub/flatpak to install things wherever possible, rpm-ostree is kindof a backup method.
Damn, marcan and asahi lina…
asahi project might be dead in the water now, that blows.
with bazzite it’s just regular fedora essentially except substitute the normal rpm commands for rpm-ostree and you’re essentially golden
I think when it comes to popular figures that are relevant in a way orwell is, the best thing for convincing people is to absolutely steelman and not make any debatable negative claims. Even if that’s completely true, you’re going to convince fewer people by saying it simply because it’s a matter of opinion and seems easily refutable in that way.
Bad strategy. Even if you’re not trying to convince the lib people will read that and think your argument is weaker.
I said “decentralize power” in this case, yes, it would be a more centralized economic structure and a more centralized government, but it’s vastly less heirarchical, because it’s significantly more democratic, I think that’s still accurate, socialists don’t want to centralize everything, power in particular is something all socialists want to decentralize, because we want power to be in the proletariats hands, and the proletariat is many.
Even in the case of a vanguard party, the ultimate goal is democratization of the economy/state, among other things.
However, i am probably ALSO being nitpicky so whatever. Communists are a nitpicky bunch.
In this case, I think saying he liked Hitler is actually weakening your argument, even if it’s completely true, it’s clear from the reading that he wished he could personally kill hitler, but found him charismatic, and is saying that charisma is what his success was found on.
All of what you said there might be true, and all of that makes your case that he was a bad man better, but doesn’t make the case that he liked him better. At the end of the day, you don’t like someone you wish you could have killed. Saying he liked hitler when the reading makes it clear he wished he could kill him makes your other claims more dubious, not stronger, you should probably refrain from that in the future if your goal is to convince people.
All of those things may be true bad things about orwell, but none of them means he was clearly a fan of hitler.
Furthermore, I think antagonizing orwell, even if he was bad is just bad praxis for convincing people to be anti-capitalist.
“Hitler could not have succeeded against his many rivals if it had not been for the attraction of his own personality, which one can feel even in the clumsy writing of Mein Kampf, and which is no doubt overwhelming when one hears his speeches. I should like to put it on record that I have never been able to dislike Hitler. Ever since he came to power — till then, like nearly everyone, I had been deceived into thinking that he did not matter — I have reflected that I would certainly kill him if I could get within reach of him, but that I could feel no personal animosity.”
liked hitler is not exactly true, he just found him charismatic, I think saying he liked him is rather misleading
This is literally the opposite of true, it’s true of highly heirarchical systems, not true of communism.
Socialist systems actually seek to decentralize power, meaning you need to be less reliant on people being saints… not more.
I don’t see why you believe that at all.
But I do worry it might be a bit TOO hand holdy?
There’s nothing you can’t do because of it. Bazzite specifically has rpm-ostree which means basically anything you can do on a non-immutable distro you can do on it. There’s no real downside. If you decide to get dirty and fuck up in a way you don’t know how to fix/don’t want to learn, you can rollback, on mint, you’ll have to reinstall.
You can still learn to do these things on bazzite, they just aren’t mandatory.
Aside from the wayland transition finishing, which I posted about above, there’s also anticheat being figured out.
Then there will be no compelling reasons for normal people not to use linux, unless you have extremely niche software that only works on windows.
Wayland is nearly done playing catchup, work should dramatically accelerate, the great transition is finally almost over.
All that’s left to get wayland to feature parity with x at this point is an accessibility protocol (which should also allow xdotool stuff to work), gnome is working on one. Once that’s done and released, a bunch of devs will be freed up to work on new stuff.
If we’re being nitpicky there’s also these two:
which will add a proper protocol for global shortcuts (right now the compositors that have implemented it have implemented it with a hack, instead of a proper protocol, extremely minor since pretty much everyone has already functionally figured this out)
and the window positioning protocol:
https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/merge_requests/264 https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/merge_requests/18
the last few years of linux development have essentially been defined by technical debt, we’re finally about to shake off those shackles.
You want bazzite, for this usecase, disregard anyone who suggests something that isn’t immutable, all of the immutable suggestions are valid, but if it’s not immutable, it is huge downgrade for this usecase.
Objectively bazzite is much better for beginners, the mint crowd is a bit out of date, here’s why:
bazzite is immutable, that means it updates a core system all at once with previous versions easily selectable if something breaks.
there are more advantages to immutability, and one of those is that bazzite has significantly more up to date software, this matters for a huge number of reasons, bazzite has a much more up to date desktop with vastly improved features. Mint will also hold these features back for much longer because if something goes wrong it’s catastrophic, whereas for bazzite you’d just revert to the previous version. Not that it’s likely for anything to go wrong.
Back in the day mint was the best choice, but now that this innovation has spread bazzite is just better, and the mint people haven’t updated their choice/preference. I honestly think there’s no objective reason to recommend mint over bazzite to beginners.
Bazzite is also more secure because it’s sandboxed ontop of being less likely to catastrophically fail because of immutability.
their influence on your decision making process does not imply free will
This means that nothing about free will is important in any decision making process, and thus free will is just a garbage concept that has no bearing or meaning in reality.
Even if there was such a thing as free will, it would be completely unimportant in decision making.
it is hard to imagine free will has nothing to do with why you don’t hold the tree morally responsible.
It doesn’t, let’s imagine free will separate from knowledge, reasoning, experience, etc. No amount of knowledge, reasoning, experience would prevent the tree from falling according to the laws of physics, that’s why I don’t hold the tree accountable. The tree has no knowledge, no reasoning, no experience, no morals, so, even if it could freely make the choice not to do it, because it doesn’t have those things, it doesn’t matter at all.
Absolutely go with bazzite, I have 15 years of experience and am willing to do unlimited troubleshooting for free if you message me on matrix.
as for why bazzite? it’s immutable, which means there’s a core set of stuff that is read only and can’t be broken, which is massively beneficial for new people and is very up to date, and has the fixes for certain patent related stuff built in (fedora doesn’t as do any other american based distros) that make twitch and some other websites work properly out of the box