Lol what amazing rationale there “hmm, if I destroy it, the government will build something better almost immediately! SIMPLE!”
Lol what amazing rationale there “hmm, if I destroy it, the government will build something better almost immediately! SIMPLE!”
It’s not disinformation. Those jackasses with $70k trucks aren’t paying cash. The folks living in McMansions aren’t paying cash either. Tons of folks in the US live beyond their means and simply take on debt to finance it.
Accusing everyone who raises a point you don’t like of “astroturfing” only makes you look like a paranoid jackass. Now, kindly, do fuck off.
Well fuck you then, he hopped into a Doctor-Who-themed strip-club before changing his clothes. Superman likes the strange. Get over it.
Was that the MOVE bombing? Because I’m pretty sure he blamed that on a black mayor.
No, it’s cool to celebrate arson and terrorism when it’s against terrorist billionaire oligarchs who are burning your country down.
Am I getting censored here now too? This is getting really exhausting.
As someone from the US, if you don’t like Canada, there’s something broken in your soul.
I wish I could apologize personally to every Canadian on behalf of the fucking dipshits in my country who have enabled this, and also have a big BBQ to apologize for Trump, the tech-bro fascists, and the weird Handmaid’s Tale motherfuckers who seem to think it’s cool to threaten the USA’s best-friend. Former best-friend now I guess :/
Canada is awesome. Canadians are awesome. Fuck those assholes. Poutine is also awesome. Fuck Trump. Fuck this nonsense.
I’m not talking about rent, I’m talking about the massive credit card and loan debt that has propped up millions of folks trying to live a lifestyle they can’t really afford. In the US, it’s incredibly common for folks to just take on debt for stupid shit, like a jacked up truck they only ever use to drive to the grocery store.
Just don’t pay. Debt-strikes are far more damaging than a work-stoppage.
I guess I’m 23 now…time for my first Existential Crisis again! Fun times! I should probably quit my job and start my own business, right?!