Just take it elsewhere. I’m tired of seing the same comment about piracy on 75% of my threads recently. You don’t need to tell us you do piracy. You’re not actually on a mission. You can cope elsewhere.
Just take it elsewhere. I’m tired of seing the same comment about piracy on 75% of my threads recently. You don’t need to tell us you do piracy. You’re not actually on a mission. You can cope elsewhere.
You can just do both. You can pirate your digital copy and support the artists in ways that don’t support streaming. You can buy blurays for example, rip them using MakeMKV to get a digital copy. It’s piracy, but it supports a business model that’s at least somewhat based on ownership. Or you go to the theatre and torrent the same movie later.
In that way, you actually have some impact on changing the industry and you also get your digitally owned copy. Piracy alone will just support the current state of the industry even more.
I was expecting them to release one with the Switch 2 but haven’t heard anything yet unfortunately.
Not to say that the Shield 1 isn’t great. It’s still the best streaming device to this date! It’s awesome!
Shut up. Stop making every thread about your piracy agenda. Nobody cares. And this isn’t even remotely related to the topic in this case. Apparently you don’t even know what Roku is.
Roku is terrible anyways. They can’t even accurately reproduce the colors.
Let’s stay on topic. I’d like to know from you how piracy protest can force studios to change their business models? Enlighten me.
The way I see it studios will double down on their shitty business practices the more people do piracy. The exact opposite of what pirate’s protests intend to accomplish. Because the only people who are left paying are paying for the shitty business models. So shitty business practices become the most profitable way. Instead of not paying at all, a better solution would be to pay for good alternatives. Like buying merch, buying blurays, going to theatres. If everyone does that, shitty business practices will become unprofitable.
You’re wrong. If the best way for studios to make money is streaming, then restricing access to the corresponding streaming service is their best way to make money. And they will do it.
Pirates might believe they protest against this practice. But actually, they just fuel this system even further by not voting with their money for alternatives. And there ARE alternatives: buy blurays, go to theatres, buy merch.
Pirates will soon realize that these alternatives will also disappear if nobody pays for them. The only money that will be left will be the paying streamers. And this will consequently be the only way to enjoy movies in the future. Quiet the opposite of what pirates are protesting for, isn’t it?
Protesting with piracy is just flawed logic.
I don’t pirate them in the way you think I do. I buy blu-rays and rip them for convenient digital access. I don’t share the files with others.
I disagree with piracy in general. Piracy and streaming services are the reason why movies suck these days. Plus, it’s impossible to find torrents in uncompressed blu-ray quality with the right language. Piracy sucks in every way possible when it comes to movies.
Digitally also means Blu-ray. I’ve got my own theatre at home. And the picture and sound quality is much better too.
Cool. Breaking News.
Buy Blu-rays. Highly underrated.