According to the dwarf fortress developer the hard part isn’t the code exactly it’s the graphics which is why he doesn’t bother with them.
According to the dwarf fortress developer the hard part isn’t the code exactly it’s the graphics which is why he doesn’t bother with them.
I’ve read from a few people who’ve done similar sorts of things that the solution to this problem is to just have everything track everything to begin with. Hunger level, heart rate, mood, everything you can possibly think of to track, and then just have everything else inherit from that global class. A lot of the values will be zero for some objects, but that’s okay, after all a storage crate doesn’t need a mood, both at some point in the future maybe you want to add an emotional box, and your code will definitely handle it now. Otherwise you have to go back in and alter everything every time you make a slight change.
Yes that was the bug. After all it makes sense that cats would clean their paws and get a bit of alcohol in their bodies. Kind of bizarre to think though that the system was sophisticated enough to track grooming behavior but not quantity.
It really goes to show how stupid computers actually are. They just follow your instructions regardless of how insane they may be
I don’t mind them having themed sets based on popular IP it’s just I wish they would do some larger sets.
Personally I dropped some serious cash on the Lego USS Enterprise, hell they could even do Lego Expense, why are they doing boring small scale stuff?