As an Albertan, I fail to see see what leverage she thinks she has here. Our province consistently votes conservative regardless of how many bones the Liberals are throwing us (ex, buying a pipeline to ensure it gets constructed when the owner backs out) or how much the Conservatives ignore us.
Leaving Canada to either form an independent nation or join the US are both wildly unpopular, and there’s nothing she can say that’ll drum up enough support for either to occur. If she decides to “turn off the taps,” her O&G overlords will punish her.
Like many of the dipshits making good money with little to no education in this province, she has a wildly inflated sense of our importance and value.
Nahh, you need leverage to be able to extort someone. Smith has fuck all to pressure the rest of the country with, all she can do is keep making things worse for us in Alberta.