Eugene V. Debs' Ghost

I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.

Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2024

  • Can you imagine if someone did this for the other guys?

    Hey Biden actually is owned by the shadow government.

    Do you have any proof of that?

    Do I need proof? It’s right here!

    Like Trump is allied towards Putin, but he is only allied to those who pay him. He’s a narcissist in debt. If Putin’s funds dried up, he’d just saying he never liked him in the first place, disobey any previous agremeents.

    Let’s not ignore the billionaires who are American and have always been American puppeting him and the party in general.

  • Yes? I fucking hate Trump but I want verified shit to tag on him for his actual actions.

    If we just allow anything to stick to a figure/political group no matter how false it is, it just gives them ammo. “Why would you believe I did X? They said I did Y and Z and no proof was there for any of it.”

    Like imagine if someone said something that makes sense about Putin but wasn’t backed by anything in reality. Putin could now use that as a tool for propaganda/deflection. Same for any other figure in politics.

    Genuinely, I want sources for all claims. Even if it questions my personal world views. Sometimes I’m just genuinely wrong about something and I like being corrected in a informative way.

    • Running for office costs money, something the people who favor progressive polices often don’t have
    • Running for office takes time, something to take away from a job to pay for food and bills, and family and hobbies
    • And let’s not pretend as soon as they gain ground AIPAC and the DNC won’t colude with them and snuff out any primaries where the progressive has a chance at winning against an established Democrat in office.

    I’ve been considering running for office myself due to the fact a Democrat hasn’t won here in at least 20 years. I’d probably mask myself as a Republican but use leftist ideas as a reverse dog whistle. Republicans win on the local level here above 60%. Kevin McCarthy was from here, he only left office by choice, not because he had to fear contest.

    “I don’t think the government should have a say what happens in the home of an American family. If they are in this country they are doing it for the freedoms our founding fathers wanted. What happens in the privacy of an American home stays in the American home.”

    “Yes I think the second amendment is important, and I would remove restrictions on timing of purchase and ammo, so the people who are threatened in every day life have a chance at stopping the ones who want to hurt them. Education and mental health are equally as good as a safety switch.”

    “I don’t think some out of touch big wig CEO gets to decide how a company is ran. More people are on the shop floor than the stockholder’s floor. They understand how the daily operations work better than the CEO, why does the CEO get to decide to fire a worker because it was cheaper than keeping them around?”

    “The way we secure America’s future is by secure the future of America’s children. Quality education and healthcare. Inspiring them to build the next space shuttle program. Helping the mothers of those children get what they need to live while working and supporting that family. Ensuring that the next generation won’t be the last by helping every generation. It takes a village to raise a child, it takes a country to raise a generation.”

    And other such “patriotic” bullshit but with an actual meaningful good things behind it, unlike Republicans.