Jeg elsker dig for det
Jeg elsker dig for det
I think “Danish” is just people saying “wtf I can’t pronounce Festilavnsbolle.… Okay I’ll have the Danish thing”
What’s wrong with “25 over 3?” I see the need for half 4 by itself but things being relative to that is so weird to me
… To English speakers. We call all the different ones by their different names here
Yup, saw them in Netto the other day!
Ugh okay here’s another “Danes shouldn’t be allowed to make number stuff”:
The time 15:25 is “five minutes before half 4”
“Fem minutter i halv fire”
So you round up to 16 before even halfway, what!?
Gas? It’s so much cheaper than the EU, even when it’s at its more expensive in the US
It’s the Netto family, so Netto, Føtex. I’m fairly certain by the background that it’s a Netto photographed. I saw the star in one the other day :D