Yeah, it’s not as if they give a shit about precedent.
Yeah, it’s not as if they give a shit about precedent.
He’s just trying to cover his ass.
Behind closed doors, his Republican colleagues probably talk big talk about how they can quit Agent Orange anytime they like. But like junkies, talking about quitting is one thing, and actually doing it is something else entirely.
He does what the bankers, lawyers and big media companies want. He’s a time-serving mouthpiece, just like that weaselly sack of shit Gillibrand.
Funny, in the conversations I’ve had with random people on this topic, the only one who objected to this action did so because he said it should have been Musk, not the cars. The rest were entirely in favor.
Read up now on jury nullifcation.
Vance is much less of a zombie than Pence. He’s actively evil, fanatical and not stupid.
The 25th was put in to prevent the situation that occurred with Woodrow Wilson, who had a stroke and couldn’t govern but who was not removed from office.
The remedies for grossly unfit traitors were meant to be impeachment, or revolution.
The franchise has vastly expanded since then. There are other reasons for the current dysfunction.
Having a VP in opposition was a design flaw and a source of instability. It made sense to change it.
Do you really want a system where, if a faction dislikes the president, all they have to do is assassinate him?
The 25th Amendment was ratified long after the 12th Amendment which changed how the VP got into office.
The problem with any constitution is that it’s not self-enforcing. Any system can be subverted and corrupted. It’s the corruption that’s the problem, not that the Constitution (like any set of laws) is not perfect.
If the law were enforced to the max with no exceptions, everyone would be imprisoned.
None of this has anything to do with the 25th Amendment. The 25th is the process for removing a president from office in the event of physical or mental disability to severe that the President can no longer carry out the duties of office.
Committing war crimes doesn’t trigger the 25th. Neither does breaking any other law. Those are what impeachment is for, and (ignoring the Supreme Court’s recent unlawful establishment of an elective absolute monarchy) enforcement of the law against the President, in those cases where there are criminal penalties.
What US military action has taken place in Gaza?
Let me help you: none. The US has supported a state that is committing war crimes. Show me where in international law that is defined as a war crime.
You’re claiming that Biden broke laws while in office. There’s a strong argument to be made that he did (like every other US president since Eisenhower). That would have been a case for impeachment. It’s not like Biden was in a coma or otherwise unable to carry out his oath of office due to incapacity, which is what the 25th is for. And the threshold for invoking the 25th is far higher than having looked feeble in a debate.
strenuous complaints by congress
When did a Congressional majority make such a complaint? There are painfully few Congressional voices that challenge the morally bankrupt US policy in that region. In fact, huge part of the underlying problem with US policy towards Israel and the Palestinians is that Congress has never been impartial.
That’s not what the 25th amendment is for. The correct process for such criminality is impeachment, which isn’t a much higher bar than the 25th. It won’t happen, the system is already too corrupt.
Don’t underestimate Vance’s capacity for evil, or Trump follower’s willingness to brainlessly follow any goose-stepping shitstain who the rightwing media glorifies.
It’s just cheerleading. It’s not worth watching any more than a cat video or some schmuck’s reaction to having heard some multi-million-selling song from the 70s.