Lol well that makes me happy. Count this as one strangers active contribution and keep up the good fight :D
Lol well that makes me happy. Count this as one strangers active contribution and keep up the good fight :D
It’s all income inequality. Start talking about taxing the rich. You don’t even have to do anything super active, just passively agree with and educate yourself on taxing the rich. We can fix society and go back to (or forward depending on who we’re talking about) better economic realities for the vast majority of people simply by taxing the rich.
I switched to Linux this month (finally, couple months in planning). Switch, donate, spread the word, make it easier for people to switch. Gaming has been very simple, the biggest hurdle being the drivers which most distros can auto handle I think.
I left the US for Germany almost 2 years ago now. I’m a software/aerospace engineer. It was like time traveling to the future in some ways, worker right are way better here and 6 weeks of vacation has cemented that I’ll never go back.
Now I just need to do my part to make sure conservatives don’t ruin this country any more than they already have. Not excited for Merz to get into power and continue selling out his country.
Wealth disparity is the reason the standard of living is getting worse for people. Taxing the mega rich out of existence would transform everyone’s lives for the better.