😎👉 Transbian Tradwife
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😎👉 Transbian Tradwife
California accepted a petition for an initiative to put a secession resolution on the ballot. The state of California agreed that the paperwork submitted was valid and so they are approved to start collecting signatures.
No one in the California government is seriously discussing secession as far as I’m aware.
Winning a point is a very low bar. You don’t have to beat her. You don’t have to win a set or a game. You just have to score a single point. All it takes is a single mistake from your opponent to win a point. With enough time even the best will make a mistake, and tennis matches are long.
The shortest possible game is 4 points. A set without a tie breaker has 6 games. A women’s tournament match is best 2 sets of 3. So at minimum a match of tennis has 48 points. You only need one.
If you’re passible enough to return the ball some of the time, and do a valid serve you will probably win a point at some point. She may be one of the best tennis players of all time, but she’s not infallible. Its really unlikely she wouldn’t mess up at least once.
Me too. My duty as a wife is to be a housewife. Stay home and cook and clean and raise the children. However the other wife of the house must go work a job and be the sole breadwinner for the family.
That’s just what she gets for being born as the other wife.