This is SUCH an important point. The biggest and most painful band aid that needs to be pulled off is the cultural one. Our collective cultural identity has been steadily, gradually eroded by the loud, brash braying that the asses to the south continually emit day in day out. If it’s not clear to us by now, Americants don’t view anyone outside of their bubble as real people, or anything beyond a thing to be exploited. A means to their end.
The crucial realization though is that they absolutely depend on the their cultural exports to validate and legitimize their global behavior. A product and service boycott is good. A global cultural boycott that utterly repudiates their entire way of life is what’s required though.
I have lots of problems with that. I don’t want anything to do with any of you fuckhole Americants. We don’t fucking need you, but you asswipes just can’t go a day without trying to take what’s not fucking yours, you fucking kleptos.
Fuck all the way off, and once there, eat every bag of dicks.