Interesting, for me it seems to be supposed to convey “military good and sexy now” vibes.
Interesting, for me it seems to be supposed to convey “military good and sexy now” vibes.
What is it worth given the fact that they’re two rich old white dudes known to waking up not caring what they said yesterday constantly?
Public money, public code! Make it FOSS or get rekt!
Just saw Flow at the cinema, I can’t believe they rendered this all in Eeevee, wth!
Generally if you are ethically ok with using fascist / capitalist “social” media go for it. As you say it might (if the overlords allow it) reach people outside the choir.
One biiiiiig condition:
Make sure that everything you post there is also available on the real internet. There’s nothing I despise more than people from lefstist circles who are only posting their stuff on Insta or similar. Like wtf.
Does anyone know if it does spreadsheets?
Oh, I didn’t know about BookBrainz bit I’ve been enjoying https://listenbrainz.org/ a lot!