I wish we could say that about Donald and the rest of the old fucks in Congress
I wish we could say that about Donald and the rest of the old fucks in Congress
To be fair to some of those people, they’re not all being unintentionally malicious. I used to call myself a centrist but that was in the transition phase between “conservative because everyone I know is” and “I have formed my own beliefs”. For most people that’s what the process of developing their opinions looks like. You don’t swing right from one extreme to the other. You take baby steps along the way. You start to see the cracks in what people around you are saying but you still mostly hear exaggerated caricatures of what the alternatives are so you’re sort of stuck in the middle because you don’t know where else it’s even possible to go.
The problem is not the minority or gender association, it’s the platform. People said a black man couldn’t win the presidency until Obama ran as a progressive and won handily. I don’t give two shits that Kamala Harris wasn’t white or a man. Biden was both of those things and I didn’t like him any better. I still voted for both of them because even a wet dog turd is better than Trump, but we need people to get excited about an alternative, not just vote against Trump.
You do have to give them your fingerprints if you get a concealed carry license (in the states I’m familiar with at least). That may not be the best plan if your intent is to protect yourself from a tyrannical government. I’m not saying it’s a bad idea just something to consider before you pull the trigger, metaphorically speaking of course.
I think lessons need to be learned before that description can be accurately applied. Whether or not we’ve learned anything from this remains to be seen.
If stuff like this doesn’t elicit some kind of response from those “deep state” folks I keep hearing about then I think it’s safe to say they don’t exist. What would they be hiding that power and influence for if not to protect their interests from an idiot like Trump ruining the game for them?
Real OG’s let their brains do the highlighting, like God intended