Do you play video games? Read books? Play tabletop roleplaying games? Knit? There are public and private discord communities for all of those things and more. Go find one and join it. I lost my two closest friends who I had known for almost 3 decades in a couple of years apart and realized that without those two I didn’t really have any other friends that I hung out and spent time with, and I started really feeling lonely, and I’m practically a shut-in and don’t make friends easily either. Fortunately I lucked into two things that made a world of difference: a couple of TTRPG discords that I am now decent to good friends with all of the members, and a private gaming community. Between them they have about 350 people in them, and I have made a point of hanging out with them and trying to make friends, and I’ve met quite a few people I get along with really well, and I always have people to play tabletop or video games with.
Stargate Atlantis, the thing I would change is to make it as good as I remember it being, cause while it’s fine and entertaining and all, I just remember thinking more highly of it when it aired and on previous rewatches.