- https://github.com/dustinkirkland/hollywood
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dustinkirkland/hollywood/refs/heads/master/screenshots/NBC News/Screenshot from 2016-05-16 09-31-28.png
The hollywood package is also great for this
Also America’s definition of old and Europe definition of old are very different. My family in England live in a house that’s older than America and not by a little.
Best miniature I ever used was a thread spindle he was cloth knight cleric. So I 100% agree with this.
So that is why eggs are so high!
Interesting thank you for answering my question
Yeah I know it doesn’t have the resolution of ear drums and the implant is going to better but I wonder if someone can adapt to that lower resolution
I watched all three and they are all good films. Not blow your socks off but good. Problem is most people don’t know they exist and studios don’t keep them in the theater long enough for them to get buzz from word of mouth. The problem is the studios learn the wrong lessons and thing people don’t want originals back to the remake or sequel. Instead of retaining audiences that they can go to movies on Friday nights and expect to find a good mid range budget movie that they will have a good time at.
This made me thing of another question if someone was born deaf but if you attached a device that would have a mic with an amplifier and a transducer that touched the skin so they could feel the vibration frequency changes based on sound. Could they develop a new way of hearing sounds? Could they learn to speak?
I think this is the plot to the movie with Scott Bakula Lord of ilusions.
The best advice I can give you is to switch to Linux is don’t right away. Switch the applications you use to open source or Linux compatible alternatives that also run on windows. Then after you get used to those on windows then make the switch.
I would also recommend not dual booting at first since it’s too easy to jump ship at the slightest issue vs sticking with it to figure out the issue just like you would with a problem on windows. It’s a real thing I have experienced it in reverse as a long time Linux user that tried Windows 11 i kept jumping back to Linux every time I ran into issues that caused frustration.