Short TSLA.
Puts at 170 will pay out very nicely.
I’m lucky to have only had one system nuked by a faulty power supply that shut down during a kernel update.
I usually just reinstalled back then. But I didn’t get into it till the late nineties. Back when Ian was still on the list serves.
Unless you mean nuking the OS or borking the bootloader. Then yeah, countless.
Fedora based actually
Install using the debian net installer. Only add a GUI/Desktop Environment through command line and apt. Don’t use tasksel.
Do this on a laptop that’s not mission critical. Barring that, use Tails on a USB drive
My sentiments exactly. Been an increasing problem over there since 2016 that I noticed but I’m sure there was this bullshittery there before and I just wasn’t in the subreddits where it festered.
Fedora desktop with KDE. Or you could do grape Arch
Or Blueberry Fedora
Fascists want to boil the frog slowly lest it hops out of the pot.
Force his hand, either everyone will know full stop that he’s really Cheeto Mussolini or he doesn’t and keeps losing momentum. We fight this in the courts because that’s the only check there is right now. Hopefully there are elections next year and enough seats go far left dem or independent and the centrist dems start realizing their faces are next.
Either way, get to know your neighbors. Form or join community gardens. Start a neighborhood watch or cleanup action. Go to your local civic board and government meetings. Elect people who represent you and your interests locally at the mayor and state rep level.
We’re all going to need to help each other out soon. We keep us safe.
Not hotdog