
  • 1 Post
Joined 24 days ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2025


  • Dickgirl with a CDL here: I love pickup trucks, at least anything bigger than a half-ton. You can get a lot of work done, pull a lot of shit and other things with a properly outfitted truck. I’m tired of people pretending like Japanese light trucks have any sort of similar capabilities, capacities, or safeties that half-tons have.

    First of all, bed space doesn’t mean jack if you don’t have the suspension to hold it or the brakes to stop it in motion. Then, the engine: half-tons can have 6.7L Diesel engines while Japanese light trucks only have 0.66L engines by Japanese law. Good luck pulling anything with that.

    Next, people LOVE to pretend like there aren’t any uses for half-tons meanwhile I used them every day in my road maintenance job. Sometimes medium-duty trucks are just too fucking big for what you want to use them for. Supply runs and picking up trash is easy in a pickup, but annoying as fuck in a dump truck.

    If you want to talk about city slickers who have spotless lifted low-profile tires and shit, then sure. But I love me some half-tons and I’m tired of people shitting on them