He was always trying to fix civilization in the first place.
He was always trying to fix civilization in the first place.
Yep. I keep backups of stuff…
My test of Timeshift was pretty simple and straightforward.
Fresh install Linux Mint
Install most of the main software I wanted.
Do a Timeshift backup.
Install some extra software I didn’t necessarily need, but might want to use someday.
Restore the backup from step 3.
Results: Everything from step 4 was still registered as installed, but almost nothing from step 4 actually worked.
So I brute force reinstalled everything in place, and haven’t used Timeshift since. I’m perfectly comfortable using the terminal, and at worst a live boot media, to fix any issues that might come up.
Timeshift itself borked my shit up. I had to reinstall all registered packages to fix its fuckups…
sudo aptitude reinstall '~i'
Edit: Sure it took a long while, about as long as a full OS reinstall, but never once was there any issue with the kernel.
I have apps that tell me they’re made for Android 4, yet they still work today on much newer versions of Android.
It’s all usually got to do with security permission stuff, Survival Manual doesn’t require any permissions though. It does request location permission, but that’s not necessary at all.
I’ve been running different versions of Linux since 2011. My crippled kernel count is still zero to this day.
And that’s even after stripping it of the drivers I’ll never need, stripping it of the languages I’ll never need, and even rerouting all temporary files, internet cache, and even core OS log files to tmpfs and ramfs.
Yeah, try troubleshooting an OS with no log files after reboot. Yeah, I can do that, hella performance boost!
I can’t say either way, I’m running Android 10/11 devices.
I prefer fall, spring is pollen/allergy season…
One time, I had a dream where I was eating something (I totally forget what it was), and the smell and taste was like the most putrid mix of vomit and sewage.
When I woke up, even though I hadn’t actually eaten anything, that smell and taste sensation stuck with me all day. I had absolutely no appetite that day.
The very next day I was extra hungry, and the bacon, eggs and biscuit I had for breakfast tasted so damn good, it was almost as if I had never eaten an awesome meal before.
SLPT: Frozen beer cans work better.
For the English speakers out there (plus there should also be at least partial translations to other languages), I highly recommend everyone on the digital planet should install the Survival Manual app, it even works when Internet is down…
Lemmy eat Snoo’s face…
This one does not look like Steve Harvey.
It looks familiar though, it’s on the tip of my tongue, I’ll put my finger on it soon…
I try to sleep in, until the phone rings…