Maybe start with “What the hell is ATProto?”
Because AI and LLMs especially have become the new bogeyman to blame what amounts to technological shifts that society has not adapt to. All AI has done has made technology more accessible and available to the common man.
Sound-alikes have been around for as long as there has been voice actors.
John Kricfalusi did the voice for Ren during the first season of Ren & Stimpy, got fired, and then Billy West took over the job. Nobody noticed the change. Did John consent to the change? No, of course not.
This shit happens all the time with music and singers. It’s just that now the availability has increased.
Nebula is a gated community for YouTubers who have already made it. In fact, they are basically subsidized by YouTube, as that is the place for new content creators to grow, and they only allow creators that have gotten high enough on the YouTube hierarchy to get their attention.
Really, they have no avenue for adding more users, like the wealth of good indie YouTubers that are up and coming, and they don’t even seem to want to add to their own curated list themselves. Their community has been stagnated for years. All they have done is forced their current membership to constantly advertise for them on YouTube.
Nebula is not the answer and never will be. I don’t even see a point in going there, because I already have these same channels on YouTube.