So, op-eds from main stream media are allowed, but journalists publishing their work through substack is not allowed. So, only the establishment is allowed to have their voices heard. Got it. Quite the hill to die on @jordanlund
So, op-eds from main stream media are allowed, but journalists publishing their work through substack is not allowed. So, only the establishment is allowed to have their voices heard. Got it. Quite the hill to die on @jordanlund
That’s increasingly a not very nuanced or serious stance to hold given that actual journalists and columnists do publish on substack, especially those that are trying to break away from billionaire controlled “news sources” with owners that are actually interfering in editorial and reporting decisions. Do you remove all op-eds from your “news sources”? If not, you’re saying billionaire-controlled “news sources” are legitimate, but not independent journalists and columnists with actual bona fides, including having been part of establishment media or worked in government previously. The internet has destroyed journalism, seems wrong to tune out those who are trying to put it together again.