Maybe they have it too, maybe it’s your delivery system. If all the pump plumbing is old lead solder then there’s your answer.
Maybe they have it too, maybe it’s your delivery system. If all the pump plumbing is old lead solder then there’s your answer.
Reverse osmosis filtration. It can get expensive but cheaper than hauling water constantly.
Honestly, if you’re not going to go with descriptive names like you have now IMO you should pick something you like and pull the names. You already used streets so you could continue like that, or towns from your region. I’m an old Colorado Avalanche fan so I have Sakic, Forsburg, Roy, Foote and Borque. I would have used Hejduk but I had to look up the spelling just to write this post.
quick edit: clients are all descriptive names: rc__buggy-desktop, rc__buggy-laptop, mrs.rc__buggy-laptop, etc.
yeah, I don’t know much about it but maybe it’s like what happened in Flint, MI and when those people got put on an acidic/basic water source it made the lead leach out.