even if the resistance is relatively poorly armed.
My point being: why let them be? Why intentionally nerf Canadian citizenry, when they could be given every advantage?
even if the resistance is relatively poorly armed.
My point being: why let them be? Why intentionally nerf Canadian citizenry, when they could be given every advantage?
It’s 100% automatic and electronically based. The marginal cost of processing any NSF is quite literally $0. Even at $10, it’s 100% profit to the banks.
I think it’s time for the Canadian government to carve out exceptions in the gun laws for those who are trained militia and reservists. Like, so long as you are properly trained and completely fail to trigger any “red flag” laws, you should be good to own any weapon clear up to naval artillery.
Canada should also be stockpiling said weaponry for immediate distribution when an invasion does occur. We just don’t have the military to prevent any kind of an invasion, but even a moderately trained civilian can sow a lot of chaos with a basic sniper-class rifle and some elevation. They don’t even have to hit anyone, technically; even near misses that audibly ricochet can delay troops and slow them down.
There is one animated meme making the rounds now, posing the question on whether viewers would want a bucolic near-communist solarpunk future where everyone is happy and has their needs met, or a 40k future of massive mechs that can level entire cities on their own.
I say: why not both?
Crunchy outer shell of 40k that is just enough for a healthy defence of humanity, 90+% gooey solarpunk interior that gives everyone else a psychologically healthy and comfortable life.
I would say avoid the antivaxxers. While measles isn’t particularly deadly, avoidance will be good practise to have under your belt once the bird flu finally makes the jump to widespread human transmissibility… which will likely keep the 50+% fatality rate, at least in the initial strains.
We won’t have to worry about the antivaxxers for long once that happens… give H5N1 a few strains of time, and antivaxxers should become pretty much extinct as a demographic.
A long-handled scratcher. For reaching places that the casts are now not going to allow his arms to bend towards.
His arms are also going to get itchy AF inside those casts.
And for shits and giggles, get him a few rubber model cockroaches to stuff down inside those casts the day of their removal. Or really, any small rubber insect that is disagreeable to most people.
Virtually every single bad adaptation can be directly traced back to studio interference.
Movies like LoTR only happened because the studios thought it would be a colossal flop, and so left the directors and producers alone.
If you want great movies, the studios need to leave the producers and directors the hell alone.
Back in 2006-2008 my wife and I were in a tight spot, we were hit with NSF fees within seconds of going into the red. And this was at two of the big six, not some teeny-tiny regional credit union that still did a lot of things by hand back then.
So I don’t know where you worked, but I can ABSOULTELY GUARANTEE that none of the big six were wasting time and money having a salty bag of mostly water actually processing NSF determinations. Maybe you were rolling back fees on review, but not applying them.
Source: wife actually works at one of the big six, and even when she started working in the 90s, NSF fees were 100% automated.