My Filipino wife is pretty bent about the whole thing and does indeed think it’s a hit job from the Marcos family. And this is a woman who grew up under Marcos and calls herself a loyalist. LOL, she’s in bed right now listening to the Filipino news.
(Filipino politics are beyond me, but I’m trying to learn. Call her biased, but at least she lived it, says Marcos brought roads and hospitals and schools, things she never had when she was little.)
My Filipino wife is pretty bent about the whole thing and does indeed think it’s a hit job from the Marcos family. And this is a woman who grew up under Marcos and calls herself a loyalist. LOL, she’s in bed right now listening to the Filipino news.
(Filipino politics are beyond me, but I’m trying to learn. Call her biased, but at least she lived it, says Marcos brought roads and hospitals and schools, things she never had when she was little.)