With Word, people using section breaks when most of the time they should have used the simpler page break.
Section breaks are supposed to be used if you want to have a change in the document layout in the middle of the document. This change could be with the margins, the orientation, the contents of the header or footer, the numbering (eg switch from roman numerals to arabic numerals), etc.
But if you just want the line to move to the next page, use a page break. Section breaks increase the chance of unintended layout and page numbering inconsistencies.
Microsoft should rename section break to “layout break” maybe.
Also, related topic, I really hate it when people just input a bunch of line breaks to get the cursor to the next page, instead of a page break.
I use office on macOS. Points 1 and 2 work for me only if the document is saved locally and not on OneDrive.