I’m not sure anyone in the history of film has been allowed to repeatedly wipe their shitty ass with an iconic beloved franchise as this woman has with Star Wars, even after years of all her decisions literally turning to shit, and turning an entire generation off of a core global property, which needed to be treated with respect and love for it’s fans, this woman trashed it, and was allowed to keep trashing it. One of the more amazing business failures I’ve ever seen.
I’m not sure anyone in the history of film has been allowed to repeatedly wipe their shitty ass with an iconic beloved franchise as this woman has with Star Wars, even after years of all her decisions literally turning to shit, and turning an entire generation off of a core global property, which needed to be treated with respect and love for it’s fans, this woman trashed it, and was allowed to keep trashing it. One of the more amazing business failures I’ve ever seen.