Give Piquadro a look. They are originally from near Bologna (Italy) though they’ve gotten so big I can’t imagine that they still produce everything there.
And card holders:
Plenty of options with some style variations.
My last wallet was one of their “blue line” card holders in orange leather. The leather that was great and aged great for 10 years. I replaced it after 10 years of abuse because the pockets were getting a little stretched and the cards were occasionally falling.
Bought another one from them, more wallet-like this time. Let’s see if this one beats the 10 years mark. I still have the well-loved old one around if you want pictures.
Every country in the EU has some system for direct debit payments.
Italy has Bancomat, Germany has EC/Giro, France has Carte Bleue, Belgium has Bancontact/Mister Cash (still have not figured out whether they’re supposed to be different or just different names in Flanders and Wallonia), and so on and so forth.
Does the Netherlands not have such a system?
It used to be that people would use these within their own country, but there would be Maestro for payments around Europe.
MasterCard decided to discontinue Maestro for MasterCard Prepaid which has higher fees.
The Germans whined about it a little and said that Europe should have come up with its own payment systems, but nothing came of it.
By now we are also supposed to have SEPA Instant, that should offer Europe-wide bank transfers. I still have not quite understood why a debit card system can’t leverage that directly.