Offenbar? Ungeschnitten wird die doch schon längst im Supermarkt verkauft?
Die VW-Currywurst verkaufte sich so gut wie noch nie. 8,552 Millionen Stück wurden 2024 in Kantinen und auch Supermärkten abgesetzt
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A bit less, so that I’m aiming for about 2000kcal/day I am using the cronometer app. I enter everything I eat I they count the nutrients. So I hope they are counting everything.
And yes, I am trying to add some high protein sources right now but it still is rather hard to hit the daily goal. But , still, thanks for the tips.
I started tracking what I eat some days ago and hadn’t had a single day I got even near that level. And since the only change was that I increased my protein, I probably didn’t met that level for some time now. But I feel very good.
It’s the same with bicycles. The car is always the victim, regardless of the circumstances