That’s an incredibly strange statement. Do you know just how poor large parts of Russia is? Area, sure. Economy, no. Educated people, no. Well trained military, no.
They had to go to North Korea for additional solders and ammo.
HW/FW security researcher & Demoscene elder.
I started having arguments online back on Fidonet and Usenet. I’m too tired to care now.
That’s an incredibly strange statement. Do you know just how poor large parts of Russia is? Area, sure. Economy, no. Educated people, no. Well trained military, no.
They had to go to North Korea for additional solders and ammo.
Thanks! That worked just fine. So we’re not using Threads anymore, just Links?
I cannot view your link and I see nothing in the Fedia fields for making a new Thread that can be done differently than I did.
Giving up. Feel free to remove.
I have no idea what you’re trying to convey here.
It’s been there the whole time.
I find this survey interesting since it seems the information that reach the US is quite different.
Swede here. Taking care of your family means being an active parent and a sharing partner.
I took 18 months paternity leave with our firstborn so my partner could finish their degree.