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My previous/alt account is yetAnotherUser@feddit.de which will be abandoned soon.
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What the fuck is a kline bottle, the only bottles I know are Klein bottles. Might as well call them huge bottles while you’re at it.
Average T flip-flop:
Plenty of cultures eat dogs and cats, notably some South East Asians one’s and some people in Switzerland.
It’s more limited though. For example, in Switzerland you may not sell dog/cat meat (or meals made with them). Consumption is limited to animals you owned and slaughtered.
Are you sure? From everything I read, there is only a 500 billion credit for infrastructure and an exception for defense spending above 1%.
If the 500 billion credit is largely spent and/or designated by 2029, the next government may not be able to pass a budget without a lot of cuts. Especially because retirement spending will explode by then, taking away money from everything else.
The budget, I mean.
In four years, I suspect nearly all money will be allocated and either the next government manages to make another constitutional amendment or they will lack founding again.
500 billion is not a lot for 30 years of infrastructure decay.
For 4 years.
The next government will be beholden to the debt brake again - and if the CDU happens to be in the opposition, they will block any and all investment to make the governing parties look worse.
Although I expect the AfD to form a blocking minority for constitutional amendments anyway. Maybe we’ll get the first CDU + AfD government by 2029 - wouldn’t be the first time that German conservatives allow nazis to rise to power.
I can never remember the difference between surjective and injective.
Sur- and in- are the worst prefixes they could’ve used. At least bi- makes sense but I don’t speak enough dead language to know the other two.
That is a word, if you assume Genderneutrale*r is a noun referring to someone who is gender neutral.
Herrenumkleide, Damenumkleide, Genderneutralenumkleide
Sehr geehrter Herr Noerdman,
gemäß des Übereinkommens zwischen dem Deutschen Reich und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika über den gegenseitigen Schutz der Urheberrechte vom 15. Januar 1892 erfahren US-amerikanische Werke die Inländerbehandlung in Deutschland. Folglich erlischt deren Urheberrecht nicht bereits 95 Jahre nach Erschaffung, sondern erst 70 Jahre nach Tod des am längsten lebenden Urhebers (§65 UrhG).
Da Ub Iwerks, zweiter Regisseur und Urheber von „Steamboat Willie“, am 7. Juli 1971 verstarb, erlischt das Urheberrecht für dieses Werk in Deutschland erst am 1. Januar 2042.
Bitte entfernen Sie diesen Beitrag somit umgehend, anderweitig können rechtliche Konsequenzen folgen.
Ihre The Walt Disney Company Germany GmbH
McDonald’s ❌
Charge they phone ❌
Twerk ❌
Be bisexual ❔
Eat hot chip ✅
Lie ✅
Conclusion: 2.5±0.5 / 6
She was born very close to 1993 it seems.
Servus literally means “Hello” in many German dialects, especially in Austria:
Servus, and various local variants thereof, is a salutation used in many parts of Central and Eastern Europe. It is a word of greeting or parting like the Italian ciao (which also comes from the slave meaning through Venetian s’ciavo).
Also, it is used precisely because most people were servants a dozen or more centuries ago.
Computers can speak n-ary actually.
It’s much better for efficiently speaking to devices - for example, PCIe 6.0 is 4-ary and USB4 is 3-ary.
Rechtsschutz in Bezug auf eine Wahl sei vor der Feststellung des endgültigen Ergebnisses nur begrenzt möglich, hieß es weiter.
No shit? Das offizielle Ergebnis wird erst morgen verkündigt. Wieso sollte man ein vorläufiges Ergebnis anfechten können, selbst wenn es knapp war? Da gibts etablierte Prozesse danach.
(By the way this was a bilingual pun - “klein” means “small” in German. I also just now realized it would’ve been even better if I suggested you call them “gross bottles”, as “gross” translates to “large”.)