I’m wondering what everyone else thinks is in our future as Canadians?

Do we think Trump is going to be stupid enough to try to invade Canada or redraw border lines?

Will the trade war continue for years or will Trump wuss out like last time?

We we continue to buy US products after they’ve now screwed us a second time?

I know I’m in the camp that whatever happens, I’m planning on completely excluding the USA from my life as much as possible.

  • IslandLife@lemmy.ca
    2 days ago

    When everything started on Jan 20 and you could see what was happening in the US. Their regime dismantling the government, Musk, DOGE, and tariffs, and it was hard to believe what was happening. Then, the continued threats to Canada, it was all pretty scary.

    Now, 50 something days in, I’m starting to realize they have no plan and no execution, or even no sense to what they’re doing. So sure it still feels really unstable and uneasy but less threatening.

    Hopefully, the world will economically destroy Musk just on the principal of his actions. Show billionaires they are not immune.

    I do think it’s possible there eventually will be a military action on Canada. I think the most plausible thing I’ve heard is that Canada would be easy to invade but nearly impossible to hold. That would be a messy situation for both sides. Nobody will be a winner, so it will come down to desire to go down that road. From what I’ve been hearing, there is only a very low percentage of people on either side of the border who have support of this action.

    In the meantime, I would be happy to see Canada disconnect from America, find new trade partners, and improve our infrastructure. Seems to be what the plans are, so I think we are dealing best we can in the situation we are in.

    True north strong and free.