Trump administration ‘has made the call for tech sovereignty an urgent geopolitical issue’
Based and europe-pilled
Please do, don’t leave your fate in the hands of US tech companies.
Trust me I live in US and shit is getting bad.
Start the process now! Otherwise you will just be forced to later.
Yep, much like Covid. Thing went from “this could be bad and we need to consider how people can work from home” to "oh fuck! " in 3 months.
Do your planning now. Any software or service you are using today, might not be available to you 4 months from now.
Yes, much like with defense, all of Europe should band together on this.
Just uh, pretty please let Americans use it as long as we agree to be good?
And Israeli.
How many Israeli digital services are you using on a daily basis?
At least 2, forced by work. And the extent to which Israeli intelligence and infrastructure services permeate the architecture of the other ones I use personally or professionally is hard to calculate.
Not sure what the prior user might be referring to either, but here is a good boycott list for tech companies that have connections with Israel. Mostly American, but some European.
Then switch to MagicEarth. Very similar, but a little less polished still. Based on openstreetmap.
Thank you! I will definitely give it a try.
Can also try Here Wego. It looks a bit more polished and I have better success using its search function. Only downside: spoken navigation instructions are TTS only and sound quality is bad over Android auto…but I have them disabled anyway.
ICQ was shutdown, and in Russian hands before that?
ICQ is Russian (even worse) but dead for some time already.
Dutch ditch!
Nether Nah!