That “small subset” is hundreds of millions of devices made in the last 5 years alone.
The problem with Linux (not their fault), is that most of the problems appear in hardware made in the last 3 years.
That “small subset” is hundreds of millions of devices made in the last 5 years alone.
The problem with Linux (not their fault), is that most of the problems appear in hardware made in the last 3 years.
Most of the hobbyists I speak to that have failed linux desktop experiences mostly switch back to windows due to:
Personally for me the list is:
That’s because you are sending your Fucks to the wrong key. You are missing the /feedback folder under system
Actually because of the density you wont be able to sink more than about 1/6th of your body into it.
FYI, the IDF regularly uses bulldozers to clear bodies for fear of suicide vests.
Not clear why they would shoot them. Don’t see a clear threat. Possibly an assassination or just being indiscriminate.
Yep, much like Covid. Thing went from “this could be bad and we need to consider how people can work from home” to "oh fuck! " in 3 months.
Do your planning now. Any software or service you are using today, might not be available to you 4 months from now.